Operation Outpost
Weekly program starting Wednesday, March 3 to reach rural areas in Craven, Jones and Pamlico Counties.
Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays to help fill boxes at RCS from 4-6pm. To signup for Tuesday volunteer opportunities, please click box below:
Volunteers are needed on Wednesdays at locations across the tri-county area to help distribute boxes from 5:30pm-7:00pm. To signup for Wednesday volunteer opportunities, please click box below:

Potters Throw Down & Empty Bowls
Empty Bowls is a partnership between Religious Community Services and Craven Arts Council and Gallery. This uplifting event unites businesses, religious and civic groups, professional and amateur potters, restaurants and others, as we use our collective creative energies to make a difference in the lives of others.
This event raises money for local stop-hunger and arts programing in Craven County by selling tickets for Empty Bowls. With each ticket you will receive:
Your choice of one handcrafted bowl or home good from hundreds donated by local potters
2 bowls of soup donated by local restaurants, community groups and more
The great feeling of knowing you helped better your community with your purchase
Potters' Throwdown/ ArtWalk/ Bowl Selection
Friday, January 14, 2022
Join us at the Harrison Center to see three potters race against the clock to throw bowls for our event.
Ticket holders may also select their bowl at this time to beat the crowds.
Don't have a bowl yet? Don't have an Empty Bowls ticket? Grab your ticket to the Empty Bowls event and select your bowl while attending the Potters Throw Down!
The Potters Throw Down is free to the community to attend.
Empty Bowls New Bern
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Select your bowl or handmade object.
Redeem your coupon for two bowls of soup made by local restaurants, churches, and community groups.
Tickets to the Empty Bowls 2021 event are available at the following:
Local Businesses:
Bank of the Arts (317 Middle St.),
Mitchell Hardware ( 215 Craven St),
Fuller's Music (2310 Trent Rd)
Sign Up now to become a sponsor for the 2022 Empty Bowls event! Sponsorships exist at several different levels, perfect for businesses and commitments of any size. Click the button to complete the sponsorship form today!